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Key Message Workshops

Key Message Workshops help get your message across
These sessions will help you prepare, develop and then test the veracity of your key messages.

The tailored session will help you identify and refine your talking points to ensure your messages work for a range of targeted audiences.  This workshop is particularly useful for a new organisation or change of brand, or when preparing for a major event or announcement.

The session can also be tailored to focus on potential issues or crises.


What We Cover

Before you take your product, service or major announcement to key stakeholders, such as the media, crowd-funders, customers, or shareholders, it’s vital to prepare and rehearse your messages. In this workshop, we help you define what you want to say and how to say it best.

We can even shape the session to focus on an immediate crisis or map out would-be issues so you can bullet-proof your Q&A process.

Step 1: Issues Audit

You will be taken through an “issues audit” whereby issues relevant to your organisation and which have the potential to attract media attention will be identified.

Step 2: Key Messages

With our help you will develop a number of key messages and holding statements relevant to the issues identified.  These key messages are designed to ensure:

  • You are prepared when Journalists come knocking on your door
  • Everyone within your organisation has a unified voice.

Step 3:  Media Training.

In a separate workshop you will be given the opportunity to practice using your key messages in a number of media interview scenarios.

More about Media Training…

“Does anyone have any questions for my answers”

Henry Kissenger

Our Key Message Workshop program includes:

  • An issues audit of where the hot spots are and how to ensure you get your message out, in line with your commercial and branding goals.
  • Target audience analysis
  • Key message development documents designed for media and other stakeholders, to make your story compelling and stand out from the competition.
  • Media skills training – a follow up session with a specific media interview role play to become more confident and really hit the ground running in the 24/7 media landscape.

These workshops, depending on the number of participants and issues to work through, will usually take between one to five days.